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Public Announcement

In Applications, Federal Governement by admin

A natural disaster warning system needs to function in conditions that may compromise local grid power. Therefore an independent power system is essential to ensure that warning sirens, wireless notifications, and other emergency notification measures can function in any situation.

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In Applications, Sensor Monitoring by admin

It can also control a train’s movements by sending information to the train about its location and where it’s allowed to safely travel. SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), a computer system used for gathering and analyzing real-time data, can then control the equipment on board the train, slowing it down or stopping it if needed to avoid accidents.

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Roadside Data Collection

by admin

At SunWize Power we have aggressively pursued cutting-edge remote solar battery systems to meet the needs of advancing technologies. Our remote solar array and batteries provide reliable and consistent power for roadside data collection, and other remote needs that require SCADA

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In Case Studies, Cs -Oil & Gas by admin

PCE Pacific, Inc., and SunWize partnered to provide a power solution to a goldmine operator for a leak detection system at a tailings pond. The equipment to be powered consisted of I/O and SCADA radios in a high US desert environment at approximately 5000-6000’ above sea level.