Statement on Conflict Minerals
SunWize Power & Battery, LLC
Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act:
Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act, adopted by the SEC in 2012, requires companies to disclose information regarding use of conflict minerals that originate in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and other conflict areas. These conflict minerals are commonly referred to as 3TGs (Gold, Tantalum, Tin, & Tungsten). Companies that use any of these materials in their products are required to assess their supply chains to ascertain whether or not any of that material is sourced from smelting factories in the aforementioned conflict areas. SunWize Power & Battery is not a publicly traded company, and thus not subject to this law. However, we are disclosing this information in order to assist our customers with their own downstream compliance requirements.
SunWize Power & Battery will continue to inquire with our suppliers, to the extent that is reasonable, regarding country of origin of any products containing 3TGs. At this time, SunWize Power & Battery has no knowledge of any 3TGs sourced from conflict areas being used in any of the products we sell. Furthermore, we are not aware of any of our suppliers using 3TGs that are sourced from conflict areas.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is in good faith and is deemed accurate as of the date at the top of this declaration. SunWize Power & Battery makes no warranty, express or implied, regarding this information. This information should not be used as a substitute for the customer’s own due diligence. The customer remains responsible for ensuring that SunWize Power & Battery’s products are fully satisfactory for its intended use(s), and compliant with all applicable laws and regulations. To the extent permitted by the applicable law, SunWize Power & Battery disclaims all liability whatsoever, arising from or in connection with the information, including any liability for incidental, indirect, consequential, and special damages.
Last updated: 2/20/19